Karl Grossman

Investigative Reporter

For almost 30 years, Karl Grossman has pioneered combining investigative reporting and environmental journalism in a variety of media. He is the narrator and host of award-winning environmental TV documentaries and the author of three books on environmental and energy issues. Karl Grossman's articles have appeared in The New York Times, Newsday, The Nation, Columbia Journalism Review, E, The Environmental Magazine, Covert Action Quarterly, Extra! and in numerous other publications. He is the recipient of numerous honors for journalism, including the George Polk Award.

Karl Grossman's journalism on the use of nuclear power in space has been repeatedly cited in the annual judging of Sonoma State University's Project Censored of the issues most "censored" or "under-reported" by the national news media. In 1997, Project Censored selected Grossman's articles on the subject as their "top censored story of 1996" . Karl was cited for number 6 of top ten most censored stories of 1997 for his reporting on the Russian Plutonium lost over Chile and Bolivia.

Karl Grossman is a full professor of journalism at the State University of New York / College at Old Westbury where he teaches Investigative Reporting and Environmental Journalism. He is currently on the Advisory Board of the Action Committee to Stop the Cassini Earth Flyby.

“Space Use and Ethics"
A condensed version of a speech given by Karl Grossman at a seminar on “Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space” organized by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom held at the United Nations Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland on March 10 and at the Darmstadt University of Technology in Germany at a conference on “Space Use and Ethics" on March 4.

The Wrong Stuff: The Space Program's Nuclear Threat to our Planet
Written by Karl Grossman, published by Common Courage Press in 1997.
This book is a must for citizen activists throughout the world, offering critical knowledge and wisdom to fight against the insane nuclear space program to save our planet from the Dr. Strangeloves of NASA.

"Nukes in Space": The Nuclearization and Weaponization of the Heavens
A video documentary by Karl Grossman (52:30 minutes)
"Nukes In Space" is the powerful, award winning documentary that exposes the U.S. government's push to deploy nuclear technology in space. This is being done despite the enormous danger, the huge expense, and a clear energy alternative: solar power. Nukes In Space reveals who and what is behind the move to nuclearize and weaponize space and the danger this represents to life. And it reports on the growing movement against this threat.
Features interviews and excerpts from Dr. Michio Kaku, Harvey Wasserman, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Dr. Ernest Sternglass and shows why the U.S. government is deploying nuclear technology in space.

"Nukes in Space 2, Unacceptable Risks."
Begins where Nukes In Space: The Nuclearization and Weaponization of the Heavens left off, at the Cassini launch and may be the fastest and best way to educate people before the flyby!
This video is expected to be available in October, 1998 from EnviroVideo:
Box 1680, Sag Harbor, NY 11963
(E-mail envirovideo@earthlink.net)


"The Phantom Menace: Space Weapons Aren't on Media Radar"
Source: May/June 1999 issue of "Extra!" Magazine
Story on Titan IV
Published on August 20, 1998 in the Orlando Weekly
Karl Grossman's statement at the United Nations Press Club June 24, 1998
Regarding the 1967 Treaty on the Peaceful Use of Space
We Don't Need Nuclear Reactors in Space
First published May, 1991
Plutonium Shuttle: The Space Probe's Lethal Cargo
First published January 23, 1988 in The Nation
Russian Plutonium Lost Over Chile and Bolivia
Source: Covert Action Quarterly; Title: "Space Probe Explodes, Plutonium Missing"; Date: Spring 1997

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This site was hosted on The Nonviolence Web, and is now hosted on www.FlyByNews.com. NoFlyby is also affiliated with The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.

Now is the time to unite to stop Cassini and Space-Based Weapons.