Dear Cassini activists and colleagues,
The news is that we had a small success - the first half of amendment 4 was adopted: 10 bis
(new) in particular proposes that the 5th Framework Programme include research on deep space
solar panels in cooperation with ESA,
but we lost the second half (roll call available):
with a view to eliminating the need for nuclear materials on space missions, as well as for more general use;
because the EP does not want to close off the option of nuclear in space! Amendment 1 was adopted ( a minor adjustment), but all other amendments were lost.
We asked for roll call votes,
and I provide the list of names for the roll call on amendment 2, which asked for the cancellation
of the flyby:
Rapport Desama A4-0384/97 - am. 2 13-01-98A 12:29:05
ELDR : Frischenschlager, Lindqvist
GUE/NGL : Alavanos, Ephremidis, Eriksson, Gonz?lez ?lvarez, Guti?rrez D?az, Jov? Peres,
Manisco, Miranda, Mohamed Ali, Novo, Ojala, Puerta, Sepp?nen, Sierra Gonz?lez, Sj?stedt,
Svensson, Theonas
I-EDN : Bonde, Pinel, Striby
NI : Hager, Kronberger, Raschhofer, Sichrovsky
V : Aelvoet, Ahern, Bloch von Blottnitz, Cohn-Bendit, van Dijk, Gahrton, Hautala,
Holm, Kerr, Kreissl-D?rfler, Lannoye, Lindholm, McKenna, Orlando, Roth, Schroedter,
Sch?rling, Tamino, Ullmann, Voggenhuber, Wolf
ARE : Barthet-Mayer, Ewing, Gonz?lez Trivi?o, Hory, Lalumi?re, Macartney, Pradier,
Sainjon, Saint-Pierre, Vandemeulebroucke
ELDR : Andr?-L?onard, Anttila, Bertens, Boogerd-Quaak, Brinkhorst, Cars, Cox, De
Clercq, de Vries, Eisma, Fassa, Haarder, Kestelijn-Sierens, Kofoed, Monfils, Mulder,
Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nordmann, Olsson, Plooij-van Gorsel, Riis-J?rgensen, Ryyn?nen, Spaak,
Teverson, Thors, Vallv?, Virrankoski, V?yrynen, Watson, Wiebenga, Wijsenbeek
GUE/NGL : Ainardi, Elmalan, Herzog, Moreau, Querbes, Ribeiro
I-EDN : Berthu, Blokland, Buffetaut, van Dam, Fabre-Aubrespy, de Gaulle, Nicholson,
NI : Blot, Dillen, Farassino, F?ret, Le Rachinel, Lukas, Martinez, Vanhecke
PPE : Anastassopoulos, A?overos Trias de Bes, Areitio Toledo, Argyros, Banotti, B?b?ar,
Bennasar Tous, Berend, Bernard-Reymond, Bianco, B?ge, Bourlanges, de Br?mond d'Ars,
Brok, Burenstam Linder, Camis?n Asensio, Capucho, Carlsson, Cassidy, Castagnetti,
Cederschi?ld, Chanterie, Chichester, Colombo Svevo, Cornelissen, Corrie, Cunha,
Cushnahan, Decourri?re, De Esteban Martin, De Melo, Dimitrakopoulos, Donnelly Brendan,
Elles, Estevan Bolea, Fabra Vall?s, Ferber, Fern?ndez-Albor, Fernandez Mart?n, Ferrer,
Filippi, Florenz, Fontaine, Fontana, Four?ans, Fraga Estevez, Friedrich, Funk, Galeote
Quecedo, Garc?a-Margallo y Marfil, Gillis, Glase, Goepel, Gomolka, Graziani, Grosch,
Grosset?te, G?nther, von Habsburg, Habsburg-Lothringen, Hatzidakis, Heinisch, Herman,
Hernandez Mollar, Hoppenstedt, Ilaskivi, Imaz San Miguel, Jackson, Jarzembowski,
Kellett-Bowman, Keppelhoff-Wiechert, Kittelmann, Koch, Konrad, Kristoffersen, Lambrias,
Langen, Lehne, Lenz, Liese, Lulling, McCartin, McIntosh, Maij-Weggen, Malangr?, Mann
Thomas, Martens, Mather, Matikainen-Kallstr?m, Mayer, Mendon?a, Menrad, Mombaur,
Moorhouse, Mouskouri, Nassauer, Oomen-Ruijten, Oostlander, Otila, Pack, Palacio
Vallelersundi, Peijs, Perry, Pex, Pimenta, Pirker, Plumb, Poettering, Poggiolini, Pom?s Ruiz,
Porto, Posselt, Pronk, Provan, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rack, Redondo Jim?nez, Rinsche,
Robles Piquer, R?big, Salafranca S?nchez-Neyra, Sarlis, Schiedermeier, Schierhuber,
Schleicher, Schnellhardt, Schr?der, Schwaiger, Secchi, Sis? Cruellas, Sonneveld, Soulier,
Spencer, Stasi, Stenmarck, Stevens, Stewart-Clark, Sturdy, Theato, Thyssen, Tillich,
Tindemans, Trakatellis, Valdivielso de Cu?, Valverde L?pez, Varela Suanzes-Carpegna, Vaz
Da Silva, van Velzen W.G., Viola, Virgin, Wieland, von Wogau
PSE : Adam, Ahlqvist, d'Ancona, Andersson Jan, Aparicio S?nchez, Apolin?rio, Augias,
Avgerinos, Baldarelli, Balfe, Bar?n Crespo, Barros-Moura, Barton, Barzanti, Ber?s, Berger,
Bernardini, Billingham, Blak, Bontempi, Botz, Bowe, B?sch, Cabez?n Alonso, Campos,
Carlotti, Carniti, Castricum, Caudron, Colajanni, Colino Salamanca, Collins Kenneth D.,
Colom i Naval, Corbett, Correia, Cot, Crampton, Crawley, Cunningham, Dankert, Darras,
David, De Coene, De Giovanni, Denys, Desama, D?ez de Rivera Icaza, Donnelly Alan John,
Donner, D?hrkop D?hrkop, Dury, Elchlepp, Elliott, Ettl, Evans, Falconer, Fantuzzi, Fayot,
Ford, Garc?a Arias, Garot, Gebhardt, Ghilardotti, Glante, G?rlach, Green, Gr?ner, H?nsch,
Hallam, Happart, Hardstaff, Harrison, Haug, Hawlicek, Hendrick, Hindley, Hughes,
Hulth?n, Imbeni, Iversen, Izquierdo Collado, Izquierdo Rojo, Jensen Kirsten, J?ns, Junker,
Karamanou, Kindermann, Kinnock, Klironomos, Krehl, Kuckelkorn, Kuhn, Kuhne, Laignel,
Lambraki, Lange, Lienemann, Lindeperg, Linkohr, L?ttge, L??w, McCarthy, McGowan,
McMahon, McNally, Malone, Mann Erika, Marinucci, Martin David W., Medina Ortega,
Megahy, Metten, Miller, Miranda de Lage, Morgan, Morris, Murphy, Mutin, Myller,
Napoletano, Needle, Newens, Newman, Oddy, Paasilinna, Paasio, Panagopoulos, P?rez
Royo, Piecyk, Pons Grau, van Putten, Randzio-Plath, Rapkay, Read, Rehder, Rocard,
Roth-Behrendt, Rothe, Rothley, Roubatis, Ruffolo, Sakellariou, Samland, Sanz Fern?ndez,
Sch?fer, Schlechter, Schmidbauer, Schulz, Seal, Simpson, Sindal, Skinner, Smith, Spiers,
Stockmann, Swoboda, Tappin, Theorin, Thomas, Titley, Tomlinson, Tongue, Torres
Marques, Truscott, Tsatsos, Van Lancker, Vecchi, van Velzen Wim, Verde i Aldea,
Waddington, Waidelich, Walter, Watts, Weiler, Wemheuer, White, Whitehead, Wibe,
Wiersma, Willockx, Wilson, Wynn, Zimmermann
UPE : d'Aboville, Andrews, Azzolini, Baldi, van Bladel, Cabrol, Caccavale, Cardona,
Carr?re d'Encausse, Collins Gerard, Crowley, Daskalaki, Donnay, Gallagher, Garosci,
Giansily, Gir?o Pereira, Hermange, Hyland, Kaklamanis, Killilea, Leopardi, Malerba, Parodi,
Pasty, Podest?, Poisson, Rosado Fernandes, Santini, Scapagnini, Schaffner, Tajani,
SE : Graenitz |
Communication Dated January 8, 1998:
I thought I would let you know that Ulf HOLM (Sweden), on behalf of the Green Group, tabled 5
amendments to the DESAMA Report on European Space Policy today, which is due for debate in
the Plenary next week in Strasbourg. The thrust of the report is very pro-space, with almost no
qualms, so we are not very happy with it at all.
I attach the more important amendments:
#2: 9 bis (new) For general safety reasons, requests ESA and NASA to cancel the August 1999
earth ?swingyby? of the Cassini/Huygens mission, during which the probe, carrying 32kg of highly
radioactive Plutonium 238, is due to pass the Earth 500 miles above the surface at 68.000 km/hr.,
unnecessarily endangering the lives and health of all humans and other species on the planet;
#3: 10. Takes the view that the Fifth Framework Programme must devote significant resources to
space research by means of targeted actions involving the information society, Earth observation
and navigation, and recommends the establishment of a specific action guaranteeing coordination
and synergy between the ESA's various activities and programmes of science and technology, but
makes it clear that under no circumstances must the Fifth Framework Programme be used to fund
military R&D, or the use of nuclear materials in space;
#4 10 bis (new) In particular proposes that the 5th Framework Programme include research on deep
space solar panels in cooperation with ESA, with a view to eliminating the need for nuclear
materials on space missions, as well as for more general use;
#5 16 bis (new) With this in mind, requests ESA, NASA and others to only carry out missions
which do not require the use of nuclear materials, and in any case to minimise the number of
launches due to the climate effects, ozone layer damage and space junk problems;
Please help us to obtain the maximum support in the EP.
I hope to update those of you outside the EP after the vote next Tuesday.
Best wishes for a safe '98 (not to mention '99!) |