Signatories of the NoFlyby Statement
- Action for Community & Ecology in the Rainforests of Central America
Action Site to Stop Cassini Earth Flyby
Alliance of Atomic Veterans
Anti-Nuclear Platform, Istanbul, Turkey
Anumukti: A Journal Devoted to Non-Nuclear India
Arkadas Group for Environment, Silifke, Turkey
Australian Peace Committee (South Australia)
Autonomedia Film & Video (NYC)
Baltimore All Peoples Congress (MD)
Bay Area Action
Brown Berets/Aztlan Liberation Organization (CA)
Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB)
Centre de ressources sur la non-violence (Qc, Canada)
Common Courage
Cumberland Countians for Peace & Justice (TN)
Eastern North America Resource Center
EcoCity Society - Edmonton
EcoNews Service, Vancouver, BC
Enviroment Not Death! - Group against Neoliberalism and for humanity
Euromarch Comitee Dresden (Germany)
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Florida Coalition for Peace and Justice
Fog Smoke Newsletter
For Mother Earth Belgium
For Mother Earth International
Friedens- und Begegnungsstaette Mutlangen
Global Compliance Research Project (B.C.)
Global Deactivation of Radiation
Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
Grandmothers for Peace International
Grandparents for Peace (FL)
Grassroots News Network
Green Party of NJ
Green Party of BC (Canada)
Greens, Turkey
Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action (WA)
Headingley & Kirkstall CND (UK)
Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration Committee
Institute for Peace and Justice
Institute for Total Revolution (India)
Institute Justice Team, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas (IL)
Island Residents Against Toxic Environments (PEI Canada)
La Raza Law Students Association - New College Chapter
Leonard Peltier Defense Committee - San Francisco, CA.
Livermore Conversion Project
Macrocosm USA
Mahai'a Sol Oliveira of SOL Communications Inc.
Making Change . . .a community newspaper
Mother Earth International Office (BE)
Nanoose Conversion Campaign (Canada)
Native Forest Network (VT)
Neither East Nor West
Network for Environmental & Economic Responsibility (TN)
New Hampshire Peace Action
Newspaper YA BASTA from Dresden (Germany)
No Nukes! Los Angeles
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
One Humanity; One Goal
Pax Christi, Tampa Bay
Pax Christi Transfiguration, Marietta (GA)
Peace Action Maine
Peace and Disarmament Concern (Qc, Canada)
Peace Foundation Aotearoa (NZ)
Physicians for Social Responsibility/Maine
Proposition One Committee - Peace through Reason
Rainbow Affinity Tribe
Ramsey Muniz Defense Committee - National Director
San Jose Peace Center (CA)
Sociedad Conservacioncista Audubon de Venezuela
Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum
Stoppt Cassini Campaign
The Arctic to Amazonia Alliance
The Association for Global New Thought--Conveners of: Gandhi and King: A Season for Nonviolence
The Board of The Prairie Peace Park
The Nonviolence Web
Trade Union of Revolutionary Mining Workers, Turkey
Treasure Coast Citizens for Peace and Justice (FL)
United Church of Christ (TN)
Veterans Against Nuclerar Arms (VANA) Canada
Volunteers For Peace (VFP)(VT)
West Midlands Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Birmingham, UK
WILPF - Baltimore (MD)
WISE International, World Information Service on Energy (NL),
Women for a Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific, Australia.
Women Strike for Peace
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Metro, NY)
- Norman Abbey (Canada)
Mia Abbott (MA)
Geneve Allison
Susan Amussen (CT)
S.E. Anderson (NY)
Ruby Anderson
Asher Anderson
Charles Aronica, Greenfield, MA
Bernie Aruda, Ontario Canada
Carolyn Ballard
Dirk Bannink (NL)
Craig and Tamara Barnhart (CA)
Greg Bates
Maurice Bazin (Brazil)
Mavis Belisle
Tina Bell
John Bilyk
Theresa Bonpane
Blase Bonpane
Andrea Borbely-Lewis
Jerry Bosworth (FL)
Jacques Boucher (Qc, Canada)
Sandi Brockway, CA
Denise Burchsted (CT)
Diego Buritica
Nancy Burton, Redding, CT
Robert Mocarski Bydgoszcz, Poland
Nick Caceres
Helen Caldicott
Chris Carlsson
Stevi Carroll, Las Vegas NV (Pax2U@aol.com)
Stevi Carroll
Sharon Ceci (MD)
Karen Charman, New York, NY
Laureen Clair
"Clarissa," Vermont
G.M. Clark, Jr.
Don Clark (TN)
Peter Clausing (Denmark)
JohnM. Clearwater
Alan Cleary (UK)
Jack Cohen-Joppa
Felice Cohen-Joppa
Bruce Cohen
Peter Coldwell (VT)
Patricia Collier, Burlington, VT
Keeley Colville
Soledad Colville
Justin Colville
Mark Colville
Luz Colville
Diana Combs
Carol Coney
Ellen Connett
Corey Connm Chicago, IL
Bilge Contepe (Turkey)
Gary Coppola
Crystal Corcoran
Kevin Corcoran
Bill Corrigan
Lil Corrigan
Charmaine Crockett (NY)
Florence T. Cua, NJ
Pol D'Huyvetter (BE)
Joy Davison, HI USA
FredM Davis
Stephen Dear (CA)
Susan DeFrancesco (MD)
Geri DeStefano, PhD
Todd Dewey, Southbury, CT
Dr. Richard T. Diekmann, Port St.Lucie, FL
F.D. DiVittorio (MA)
Glenn Dolcemascolo
Karen Donahue, RSM (IL)
Sean Donahue
Elizabeth Downer
Danita Dreher
Ed Dubinsky
William Dukane
DonCarl Duke
Keith E. Heesom, (S.Afr)
Audrey Faulkner (CO)
Gibson Fay
Sheila Fisher
Jim Fleming (NYC)
Stephen Flowers (Montana)
Carol S. Fowler
Joshua Freeze
Kimberly Friedman, S. Newfane, VT
Surendra Gadekar(India)
Bruce Gagnon
Irene Gale AM
Lyn Gerry, CA
Annamaria Giordano (IT)
Jacob Givens (WI)
Marshall Glickman
Kathryn Goodman - CCPAA
Susan Gordon
Tayfun Gorgun (Turkey)
Barbara Grant, Plainsville, VT
Peconic Greens
Karl Grossman
Anthony Guarisco
Elise Gunzburg, Brattleboro, VT
Courtney Guthreau
Jonathan Haber
Regina Hagen
P.J. Halloran
Marion Hancock (NZ)
Marion Hancock (NZ)
David Hartgrove
Kate Hartnick (NY)
Ralph Herbert (NY)
Russell Hoffman
Jeff Hogan
Diane Hoglund
Cynthia Hollingsworth
Phillip Holzinger, Oregon, USA
Jackie Hudson (WA)
Zohlde Ishtar
Lesley Jeffries (UK)
Cesar Jerez
Nancy Jinks
Richard Johnston Victoria, BC Canada
Jill Jones (FL)
Lewanne Jones
Jay Jurie
Michio Kaku
Pieman Kay
Brian Keaney
Clara Keller, Millers Falls, MA
Martin Kelley
Camp Kinderland
Paul Kirsch
Bonnie Klassen, Colombia
EllenHolly Klaver (CO)
George Klinck Clarke
Susanna Knittel
Alan Kobrin
Ted Koch (AR)
Susan Kramer, Gill, MA
Judy Kugler
Arjuna Kumar
Adele Kushner
John LaForge
PhillipCharles Lake (FL)
Orin Langelle (VT)
Sherry Larsen-Beville
Tom Lawson
Renee LeBlanc
David Levner
Edmund J. Light (CA)
Phyllis Lisle (NC)
Phyllis Lisle
Carol Liu
David Long, Putney, VT
Simone Lorenz
Harriet Ludwig
LuzMaria MaceiraOchoa (Mx)
Robert Manning (CA)
JackDavid Marcus
Michael Mariotte
Phoebe Mathews, Gill, MA
Jenny Maxwell
Ross McCluney
James McGinnis
Jil McIntire (IT)
Peg McIntire (FL)
Peggy McIntire (FL)
Joe McIntire
Gill Meredith
Melanie Micklas, OH
Clara Milko (NC)
Marilyn Miller
Patrick Miller
Will Miller
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin
Tim Montgomery, Ontario Canada
Phyllis Morris
Sam Morris (United Kingdom)
Joe Morton, MD
Elizabeth Muir
JoAnn Myers, Accord NY
Monty Neill
Jonathan Neiss NJ
Craig Nelson, Sonoma County, California
Gernot Neuwirth
Stuart Newman, Ph.D. (NY)
Vicki Nichols (FL)
Max Obuszewski
Comrade Odekirk
Margo Okazawa-Rey (CA)
Mauro Oliveira
Yasar Ozturk (Turkey)
Lynn Page
Rick Page
Sali Pagliuca (FL)
Grace Pale, Thetford Hill, VT
W.B. Park
Stuart Parker (Canada)
BarryG. Parsons (FL)
Barry Parsons(FL)
Rebekah Patnode, Wendell, MA
Anita Patriarca
Donato Patriarca
Linda Patriarca
Kristen Patti, Guilford, VT
Sol Peck's Family, Deborah, Marc, Joe and four grandchildren
Sue Pennell
Lindis Percy (UK)
Andy Peri
Anne Petermann (VT)
Ellen Peterson, Ester, FL
Kai Petzke
Dale Pfeiffer
Elizabeth Picard, Bellingham, WA
Mark Plattner (MO)
Katha Pollitt
Patrick Powers
Judith Poxon (CA)
Jennifer Pula (MD)
Anni Rainbow (UK)
Georgia Ramirez
Beverly Red
Jill Remington
Roy Rendahl (Las Vegas NV)
Kathleen Rhoad, FL
Franco Ricci
Eugene Rodriguez
Vincent Romano
Anna Rondon Manuelito
Carol Rosin
CarolD. Ross
Joan Russow (Ph.D)
Myrna Santiago
Nicolas Scharnagl
Karen Scheel
Wolfgang Schlupp-Hauck
Karl Schmidt (NH)
Gladys Schmitz
Brandon Schneider (Cincinnati, OH)
Laura Seligsohn
Francelia Sevin
Anand Shah (Japan)
Alice Shechter
Eugene Sheftelman (MA)
Dariusz Jachym Shelton (CT)
Christine Simon, Ontario Canada
David Simon, N.Y., USA
Marie Simon, N.Y.,USA
John Simon, N.Y. USA
Helen Simon, Ontario Canada
Elenaor Simons, St. Johnsbury, VT
Alice Slater
Gar Smith
Ron Stanchfield
Heather Staples (NH)
Ernest Sternglass
Jay Stock (FL)
Sharon Stock (FL)
Kay Stoner, Boston, MA
MaryBeth Sullivan
Bill Sulzman
Aynur Sungur Tuncer (Turkey)
Joni Thissen (CA)
Ellen Thomas
Ellen Thomas
Don Tilley
Susumu Tokunow
Bonnie Urfer
Krista van Velzen
Erik van Lennep
Herman Verhagen
Jennafer Waggoner
Joyce Wallace
Suzanne Warson, Flushing, NY
Harvey Wasserman
Dave Webb (UK)
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Tom Weis, Boulder, CO
Anne Welsh
Barbara Wiedner
Charles Willett (FL)
Paul Williams (NJ)
Margaret Wimberger
Katharine Winthrop, Portland, ME
Jesse Younce
George Yudice (NY)
Martin Zabe
David Zarembka
Updated:8/3/1999 6:02:28 PM
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