FN Home - Health blog - JFK & 9-11 - Moon Hoax - Bart Jordan



Write to noflyby@yahoo.com for newsletter, or to comment. 

This website will be updated often through the year of 2024.


12 Aug. 2024 - Jonathan Mark
25 Years of Flyby News.

      {For more updated news scroll below all images      


  NASA's Cassini space probe executed a "flyby" maneuver around Earth on 17/18 August, 1999. It traveled at record speeds, around 10 miles per second, while carrying 72.3 pounds of highly radioactive plutonium on board. An inadvertent re-entry into Earth's atmosphere could have resulted in untold suffering for generations. Flyby News came out of this campaign to expose the military takeover of NASA, and reverse the arms race for harmony & life on Earth.



  In order for the direction for sustainability at home, war must end with the abolition of all weapons and technologies capable of the mass destruction to life. Truth must overcome sorrow where what can manifest is based on love due to our inherent nature and being. The focus for FN is in providing resources about military psychological operations and coverups. Awareness is the first step to break free from deception and treachery. The path for healing and reconciliation is upon us too. Note the list of key updated topics under PLANDEMIC.



04 September, 2024 - Flyby News
October 7 ~ Film and Discussion



29 Dec. 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
         Is Truth Even Enough?


"Never Again Is Now Global
Children's Health Defense:
Five-Part Series by Vera Sharav


Best way to view FlybyNews.com is to go all the way

and read everything to the bottom of this page and

then begin again linking to resources fit to

transmit in the post Cassini flyby era!


Youtube - 0:28:00 - Jonathan Mark

  About Flyby News 


15 August, 2019 – Video - 0:20:00 - Jonathan Mark
20 Years of FLYBY NEWS


21 Jan. 2024 - FN - Bart Jordan
        Mars Nuclear Message & Warning
for Earth (Xenon-129)


03 May, 2022 - Flyby News

  3 Key Audiobooks to Deepen & Awaken


11 September, 2022 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark 

  Beyond Covid – 9-11 – Moon Truth – Psy-ops


2024 & Pathways for Transformation


Documentary Film Series - Mikki Willis
PLANDEMIC 1, 2, & 3

04 June, 2023 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
Plandemic 3 and the Great Reset

The High Wire with Del Bigtree
The High Wire
Medical Science Media





The Devolution of Pandemics


New 9/11 Investigation vs New World Order


JFK Assassination 1963 Coup D'etat


Evidence of fraud US 1969-1972 lunar missions


FlybyNews Health and Spiritual Blog


Energy Pollution's Impact On Environment


Credible Witnesses - UFO Disclosure Documentation


Resources for reclaiming a lost USA Republic


The BIG Surprise
out of the
Cassini-Earth flyby

Reports on Bart Jordan and evidence
of advanced pre-ice-age civilizations.

Plus learn more to help:

Free Leonard Peltier

WINTER 2018-2019 – YouTube 30:00 - Jonathan Mark
  Life Rhythms and Flyby News
Music and Poetry + Overview for Truth & Peace in Space.

Life Rhythms poetry & quote blog


Flyby News video productions are available for broadcast

over Community Television Stations. Check them out at

"Flyby News" YouTube channel and Peg Media!


   Litmus Tests for Truth & Transformation

2015 ^ 2019 articles

      2020 plus 1 – 20 years 9-11 – Truth=Peace


Space for Peace & September 11

.Connecting dots to democracy or genocide

19 September, 2017 - YouTube - 1:26:00 - Flyby News

September 11 - New Pearl Harbor
film summary and discussion


31 October, 2012 - YouTube 43:27 - AlienScientist
9/11 Conspiracy Solved: 
Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!


12 May, 2017 - FN Wordpress - Jonathan Mark
Denial, Cognitive Dissonance, & September 11



 Many events in our lifetime have been distorted by "Big Lies." According to Wikipedia the phrase was coined by Adolph Hitler as a propaganda technique for a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously." Hitler exclaimed that the technique was used by Jews to unfairly blame Germany's loss in World War I.' Yet the bigger lie follows the money trail leading to distortions of the truth about COVID-19. and September 11, 2001 The lies persist by those financing both sides of world wars, the development of atomic and other weapons of mass destruction, star wars, intelligence infiltration, coup d'etat assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The deceptions go deep and are too outrageous for most to consider. But the proof exists: Gulf of Tonkin, nuclear arming of Israel, evidence of fraud-US 1969-1972 lunar missions, Federal Reserve, Cointelpro, Devolution of Pandemics, and other areas highlighting the essence of President Eisenhower's farewell address:  


"In the councils of government, we must guard against
the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether 
sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.."

Dark Legacy - JFK & 9-11 is a film compilation that tackles four major conspiracies: JFK assassination, Federal Reserve, Apollo Lunar Missions, and 9-11. Once you break through an evidence-based reality into any of these conspiracies, identifying a cover-up becomes easier. You get more used to overcoming one’s own cognitive dissonance to see evidence beyond a fixed world view. The film is meant to help awaken us before it's too late, and our reality comes to a dead end in times of universal deceit.


Dark Legacy - JFK & 9-11


Part 1 - running time - 0:59:00
   (Sept. 11, Star Trek, Lyn Margulis, Wellstone)

Part 2 - running time - 1:28:00
   (JFK, Fed. Reserve, Lunar Lunacy, Democracy)


Condensed Version - 58 minutes - Online Film

(Order of subjects of parts 1 and 2 reversed)


0:06:22 Running Time
Dark Legacy credits music-video 

The short-condensed version is recommended for first viewing. The film tackles 9-11 within the context that such an event and cover-up could never have taken place unless other coup d’etat and cover-ups happened first. Dark Legacy: George Bush and the Murder of John F. Kennedy is a film by John Hankey that exposes the Dallas-1963 perpetrators, and why that matters today.

Dark Legacy
George Bush and the Murder of John Kennedy
"Provocative to say the least. Using materials familiar to researchers,
Dark Legacy makes a series of tantalizing connections between the rich
and powerful to suggest that Kennedy was brought down by a vast web of
powerful conservatives and that George H.W.Bush was close to all of them.
Hankey invites viewers not only to draw their own conclusions but also
to check out his sources." -- Kevin Thomas Los Angeles Times
"If the United States ever experiences an attempted coup
to overthrow the government it will come from the CIA.
The Agency represents tremendous power and total
unaccountability to anyone."

Kennedy knew a coup was coming
11 November, 2013 – YouTube – 0:02:00
JFK – Commemoration Events – PSA


22 November, 2013 - GCTV - YouTube - FlybyNews
JFK 50th Anniversary-Commemoration
A community event ~ 2:28:00 


14 August, 2020 – Ron Paul Liberty Report - 0:39:55
'Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security
Establishment!' With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

02 May, 2020 – YouTube - 0:11:18 - Valuetainment
JFK Assassination - Robert Kennedy Jr.
Reveals His Investigation Of The Case


Skyhorse Publishing - Peter Janney
Mary's Mosaic
The C.I.A. Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy,
Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace

16 June, 2013 - YouTube - Chris Pratt
Mary's Mosaic: Book Trailer


11 April, 2013 - YouTube - Jonathan Mark

Peter Janney and Mary's Mosaic - Interview
29-minute running time


15 January, 2021 – Global Research - Dr. Gary G. Kohls

Martin Luther King's Warning

of America's Spiritual Death

09 March, 2020 – Flyby News - Wordpress
Fear & Love where from here


"We must all learn to live together
as brothers or we will all perish together as fools.
We are tied together in the single garment of destiny,
caught in an inescapable network of mutuality. And
whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly."


- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Speech in Memphis, April 3, 1968,
on the day before he was assassinated.


For article by Jonathan Mark on day after:
FREE AT LAST- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Updated Resource
Martin Luther King & Masters of War


26 January, 2022 - DemocracyNow? - Jonathan Katz
“Gangsters of Capitalism”: Parallels between
Jan. 6 and 1934 Anti-FDR Coup Plot

08 August, 2018 - Flyby News - L. Wolfe
Suppressed History: The Morgan Fascist
Coup Plot and How FDR Defeated It


11 April, 2015 – National Vanguard - Rosemary W. Pennington
The Most Incredible Story Never Told:
LBJ’s Order to Destroy the USS Liberty


24 September, 2013 - YouTube - 1:08:40 Woody Harrelson
'Ethos' Epic Documentary!
Time to Unslave Humanity


 21 January, 2014 - AwazTV - Daily Motion
Russia Today News Declares 9/11
An Inside Job False Flag Attack!

September 11
The New Pearl Harbor

A film by Massimo Mazzucco


19 January, 2018 - YouTube - 4:10 - Animation Kurt Swinghammer
Buffy Sainte-Marie - War Racket


1935 - Ratical.org - Major General Smedley Butler
War Is A Racket


13 January, 2020 – Democracy Now! - War & Peace
"America Exists Today to Make War":
Lawrence Wilkerson: Endless War & American Empire

9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke
Incontrovertible 9-11 Evidence
INCONTROVERTIBLE is a feature length documentary,
which portrays the frank and candid views of Police Officers,
Firefighters and Soldiers as they express their grave concerns
about the official explanation for the events of 9/11. The
film is intended to act as a practical aid in combating
the mainstream media's propaganda and outright lies
concerning the attacks on September 11th 2001.

25 August, 2016 - Colorado Public TV - YouTube

Demolition of Truth– Psychologists Examine 9/11
Also available to stream or download
The Demolition of Truth
1 hour 47 minutes great film by Charles Ewing Smith 


23 November, 2013 - Frances T. Shure
Why Do Good People Become
Silent or Worse about 9/11?

22 December, 2008 - YouTube - 0:05:00 - Resistance Video
The Art of Corporate Mind Control
10 March, 2014 - Flyby News - Michael Hasty
Paranoid Shift
Updated - Flyby News - Wordpress
Apocalypse and lifting of veil
JFK & 9-11

15 March, 2022 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Moon Man - Book Review

Updated - FN Wordpress - Resource
Moon landing Hoax


30 October, 2018 – Flyby News - Jonathan Mark


A John Hankey Documentary
Is Trump for Real?
08 October, 2018 – YouTube- 0:04:25 - Trailer

You can currently rent the 66-minute 
video for $1 on Amazon and Vimeo
29 May, 2018 – IrishEcho - James J. Kelleher
A promise broken on JFK files release


Without truth there is no justice,

and without justice, there will be no peace.


"Marcus Cicero, over 2000 years ago, defined freedom
as participation in power. If you don't participate in power,
you are not free. Whoever has the power owns you. If you
want to be free you have to participate in power.."

- U.S. Senator Mike Gravel

National Citizen's Initiative for Democracy


15 March, 2015 - YouTube - 0:37:30 + 20:30
Beyond Moss Brook
No Fracking Way!
Bart Jordan Timesinger

More info on Wordpress 

Sequence 02.Still005

04 October, 2012 - YouTube - RealEconTV

The Shale Gas Shell Game
Short sighted, short lived wells

04 September, 2016 - Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman
VIDEO: Dakota Access Pipeline Company
Attacks Native American Protesters
with Dogs and Pepper Spray
FN's updated resource page:

Energy Pollution's Impact On Environment 



Truth is so obscure in these times,

and falsehood so established, that,

unless we love the truth,

we cannot know it.

– Blaise Pascal


For more quotations and poetry:    
  Life Rhythms poetry blog



   Past Issues:


05 October, 2024 - CHD TV - 1:56:48
Vaxxed 3 | Authorized to Kill
International and Social Media Premiere

04 October, 2024 - FN - Jonathan Mark
The Kennedy, Jr. Honey-Trap Surprise

06 January, 2020 - MEM - Middle East Monitor
Jeffrey Epstein was blackmailing
politicians for Israel’s Mossad,
new book claims

20 September, 2024 - FN - Jonathan Mark
“Homegrown” and Uncommitted 2024 Strategy

16 September, 2024 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Netanyahu wants an open-ended war

14 September, 2024 - Substack - Dr. Peter McCullough
Strategies for Ridding the Body of
Synthetic mRNA and Spike Protein

15 September, 2024 - Substack - Dr. Peter McCullough
Holistic Approach to the Strain of Immuno-
deficiency and Neoplastic Disease

04 September, 2024 - FN - Jonathan Mark
October 7 ~ Film and Discussion

Updated - FN - Jonathan Mark
Bart Jordan & Flyby News Update

Nov, 2023 - Rumble 8:44 - Richard Medhurst
Hidden Reasons Behind the War on Gaza

24 August, 2024 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Kennedy Drops Out, Joins Trump’s GOP

22 August, 2024 - YT 0:11:17 - RFK Jr
Kennedy: My Most Controversial Issue

21 August, 2024 - YT 1:09:02 - Sabby Sabs
Whitney Webb exposes Kamala,
Trump, Israel And More!

20 August, 2024 - Flyby News
Stop Arming Israel

12 August, 2024 - Flyby News
25 Years of Flyby News

07 August, 2024 - Flyby News
Hiroshima + Bitcoin Quest. +
Egypt & Trump + Protocol 7

04 August, 2024 - Flyby News
How RFK Jr Can Win the Presidential Race

02 August, 2024 - Washington Post - Davis & Leonnig
$10M cash withdrawal drove secret probe
into whether Trump took money from Egypt

01 August, 2024 - HighWire 23:29 - Del Bigtree
Top Vaccinologists Fail To Produce
Science To Support Safety

31 July, 2024 - CHD TV - 58:06 - Joseph Hickey, Ph.D.
Pandemic Response Caused More
Excess Death Than Virus

28 July, 2024 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
RFK Jr. Pulling Voters Away From Trump

26 July, 2024 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
Cardio Miracle Vitality for Life

21 July, 2024 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
Major Poll: Kennedy Wins by 14 Points

17 July, 2024 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
RFK Jr.: End the Forever Wars

16 July, 2024 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
FreedomFest Independence – Truth and Loss

16 July, 2024 - YT 4:57 - RFK, Jr.
RFK Jr.: End the Forever Wars—A Pledge

12 July, 2024 - Rumble 1:20:33 - Jimmy Dore
With Dr. David Martin

14 July, 2024 - YT 39:51 - RFK, Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Speech
At FreedomFest 2024

29 June, 2024 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Obstacle for RFK, Jr. to Win POTUS Election

2021 - Jews for Justice in the Middle East
The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

26 June, 2023 - YT 11:06 - Jimmy Dore
Medical Journal PULLS Study Showing
COVID Vaxx Death Connection!

28 June, 2024 - YT 22:22 - The Hill

24 June, 2024 - YT 12:50 - Jimmy Dore
Peer Reviewed Study Is Big
Trouble For Big Pharma

27 June, 2024 - Live Stream - 9:00 PM ET
Watch The Real Debate
The U.S, presidential debate as it was
supposed to be: Biden, Trump, Kennedy.

April, 2024 - YT 3:08:34 - Podcast #2141
Joe Rogan Experience - Bart Sibrel
(Also posted on Sibrel's YT Channel)

25 June, 2024 - Rumble 1:04:06 - John & Janet Hewlett
JUNE 2024: Cardio Miracle Family Night

25 June, 2024 - Substack - Steve Kirsch
German CDC documents show politics
drove COVID response, not science

24 June, 2024 - Substack - Madhava Setty
CNN and DNC/RNC repel an
anti-American insurgency

21 June, 2024 - FN - 1:18:36- Fault Lines
The Night Won’t End:
Biden’s War on Gaza

21 June, 2024 - YT 1:18:36 - Al Jazeera
The Night Won’t End:
Biden’s War on Gaza

Fault Lines Documentary

21 June, 2024 - DN - Amy Goodman
“The Night Won’t End”: New Film
Investigates Civilian Killings in Gaza
and U.S. Backing of Israeli Assault

19 June, 2024 - YT 16:37 - RFK, Jr.
RFK Jr. on Young Turks: Vaccine Crossfire

16 June, 2024 - FN - RFK, Jr.
Recovering America – A Film
About Healing Our Addiction Crisis

13 June, 2024 - YT 1:00:15 - Piers Morgan
"I'm Worried About My Family'
RFK Jr. DENIED Secret Service Protection

13 June, 2024 - YT 3:06 - RFK, Jr.
How Big Oil Punishes Environmentalists
And Human Rights Defenders

10 June, 2024 - Flyby News - McCullough, MD
The mRNA-LNP Vaccines - the
Good, the Bad and the Ugly

10 June, 2024 - Courageous Discourse- McCullough, MD
The mRNA-LNP Vaccines - the
Good, the Bad and the Ugly

04 June, 2024 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
June 2024 FN Update

04 June, 2024 - YT 11:00 - Breaking Points
PROOF: Fauci PERJURY Before Congress

04 June, 2024 - CHD - Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.
‘The Dam Has Broken’: Mainstream Media
Reports on Study Showing COVID Vaccines
Likely Fueled Rise in Excess Deaths

31 May, 2024 - Flyby News
Protocol 7 – Wakefield Premiere Film

29 May, 2024 - FN - Jonathan Mark

24 May, 2024 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Flyby News May 2024 Health Update

21 May, 2024 - FN - Bart Sibrel
“China Blackmailing USA Over Apollo Fraud”

17 May, 2024 - FN - Richard Gage
Parallels between 9/11 & Gaza

15 May, 2024 - Rumble 1:02:59 - Russell Brand
“This Is Going To DESTROY Our Country!”
RFK Jr On 2024 Election

06 May, 2024 - YT 42:27 - David Bayer
The Controversy Behind Kennedy’s VP Pick:
Why Nicole Shanahan?

13 May, 2024 - FN - Bart Sibrel
Apollo Believer Lie Expert: THEY LIED!

12 May, 2024 - YT 38:36 - Bart Sibrel
Apollo Believer Lie Expert: THEY LIED!

09 May, 2024 - YT 13:34 - Kim Iversen
NY Times Claims RFK Jr Has Brain Worms

04 May, 2024 - YT 30:22 - RFK, Jr.
Who is Bobby Kennedy?

21 May, 2024 - DN - Amy Goodman
Meet Lily Greenberg Call, First Jewish
Biden Appointee to Publicly Resign over Gaza

03 May, 2024 - DN - Amy Goodman
“This Militaristic Approach Has Been a Failure”:
Meet Hala Rharrit, First U.S. Diplomat
to Quit over Gaza

05 May, 2024 - YT 6:25 - Blaze TV
RFK Jr. SOUNDS OFF on Anti-Freedom
Liberals and Covid Lockdowns

02 May, 2024 - FN - Kennedy24
Biden the Spoiler ~~ RFK, Jr. the Real Deal

29 April, 2024 - YT 3:17 - RFK, Jr.
The Perfect Storm For An Independent Candidate

29 April, 2024 - YT 5:47 - RFK, Jr.
RFK Jr.: Officially On The Ballot In California

26 April, 2024 - Flyby News
Minority Rule: America’s Undemocratic System

26 April, 2024 - Democracy Now!
“The Supreme Court Is a Product of Minority Rule”:
Author Ari Berman on America’s Undemocratic System

23 April, 2024 - YT 12:29 - Breaking Points
RFK Jr DEFEATS Democrats Ballot Challenge

19 April, 2024 - YT 2:21 - RFK, Jr.
Flashback To 2011: RFK Jr. Tells Stephen Colbert
About The Impact Of Coal Mining

10 April, 2024 - YT 16:01 - DDN
The One Video Israel REALLY Doesn't Want You To See

10 April, 2024 - YT 1:44 - RFK, Jr.
The Stakes Are Too High To Back Down Now

05 April, 2024 - YT 8:51 - American Values
Who Is Nicole Shanahan? RFK JR Vice President Candidate

15 January, 2012 - FN - Jonathan Mark
The Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

27 April, 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Football – COVID – Death & Awakening

24 March, 2024 - FN - John Hankey
Proof: “October 7 Was An Inside Job”

24 March, 2024 - Rumble 55:55 - John Hankey
October 7 Was An Inside Job

01 April, 2024 - FN - Jonathan Mark
American Values, RFK, Jr. & The Money Trail

31 March, 2024 - YT - 7:14 - Jimmy Dore
Ukraine War Is A Money Laundering Scheme

09 November, 2022 - FN - Dr. Mercola
Fear Is the Tool of Tyrants

26 March, 2024 - YT 2:34:10 - RFK, Jr
RFK Jr. Announces His VP

02 March, 2024 - YT 3:28 - RFK, Jr
In 2020 RFK Jr. Predicted Exactly
How COVID Shots Would Fail

27 March, 2024 - YT - 7:04 - More Perfect Union
Who's Bankrolling RFK Jr.'s campaign?

28 March, 2024 - FOX-YT - 6:26 - RFK, Jr.
The Democratic Party has
'ordained its candidate'

27 March, 2024 - Children's Health Defense
RFK Jr.’s VP Pick Vows to Tackle
Chronic Disease Epidemic

27 March, 2024 - YT 10:18 - Kim Iversen
Did Gaza Israel Cause Dennis Kucinich
To Walk From RFK Jr’s Campaign

Updated thru 2024 - Flyby News
RFK, Jr. Middle East Peace + VP

27 Dec. 2021 – FN – Jonathan Mark
Time for 3rd Party – Independents Rising Up?

25 March, 2024 – FN – Jonathan Mark
(March, 2024 Free Screenings)

March, 2024 - Jeff Hays Films - 1:51:40
The Real RFK, Jr.
The creator of the documentary, “The Real RFK Jr.”
is making this fascinating, full-length, biographical
film available for free through the end of March.
Watch it at home and share it with friends and family.
Be prepared to be inspired.

21 March, 2024 – YT 28:18 – Kennedy Podcast
RFK's VP Pick: A Hint?

Team Kennedy - Ballot Access HQ
Help Get RFK, Jr. on the USA Ballot

22 March, 2024 – FN – Jonathan Mark
RFK & Leonard Peltier – Ballot Access

22 March, 2024 - Kennedy Beacon - Anne Keala Kelly
Kennedy’s Commitment to Justice for Natives
Could Be a Game Changer for Generations to Come

19 March, 2024 - Madhava Setty - Meryl Nass
Did the mRNA shots really
save millions of lives?

18 March, 2024 - Democracy Now! - Mohammed Abu Lebda
“A Catastrophe That Cannot Be Described”:
Palestinian Poet in Rafah on Daily
Hardships Amid Israel’s War

15 March, 2024 - YT - 21:06 - Kim Iversen
Arnold Schwarzenegger RFK Jr's
VP Pick?? | With Del Bigtree

12 March, 2024 - YT 03:43 - RFK, Jr
Healing From Censorship

07 March, 2024 - YT 09:01 - RFK, Jr
How I See The State Of Our Union

09 March, 2024 - YT 02:49 - RFK, Jr
Fox News Anchors Compare Biden’s and
RFK Jr.’s State Of The Union

08 March, 2024 - YT 27:18 - Andrew Schulz
RFK Jr. Details His Father's Assassination

06 March, 2024 - YT 09:09 - Andrew Schulz
RFK Jr. on the Atlantic Council & The ex-
CIA Chiefs that Control US Foreign Policy.

05 March, 2024 - FN 01:37 - RFK, Jr
Fighting Corporate Power – Then And Now

27 Feb. 2024 - YT 1:57 - RFK, Jr
Is RFK Jr. A Conspiracy Theorist?
Supporters Reply

19 Feb. 2024 - YT 1:56 - RFK, Jr
Do You Think Trump Drained The Swamp?

17 Feb. 2024 - YT 12:39 - Loanly Hipster
RFK Jr. In His Own Words Part 2

17 Feb. 2024 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
NEVER AGAIN – Vera Sharav – Newsletter

15 Feb. 2024 - Flyby News - RFK Jr
Breaking free from the two-party system

13 Feb. 2024 - YT 2:42 - RFK Jr
How I’ll Force Medical Authorities
To Do Good Science

13 Feb. 2024 - YT 3:56 - Fox News - Jesse Watters
RFK Jr.: Jill Biden should urge
the president to step aside

[Plus Shows Kennedy24 Super (Pac) Bowl Ad]

11 Feb. 2024 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Revealing Putin Interview
Team Kennedy 2024 & Peace

10 Feb. 2024 - YT - 57:09 - Sabby Sabs
Tucker Carlson's REVEALING Putin
Interview: Key Takeaways

06 Feb. 2024 - FN - RFK, Jr
NBC “3-Way Race” – Ventura, Tucson

06 Feb. 2024 - FN - Dr. Mercola
You've Been Genetically Hijacked to
Produce Pfizer's Pfrankenstein Proteins?

05 Feb. 2024 - YT - 3 min. - NBC News
Nightly Broadcast - RFK Jr - 3-Way Race?

05 Feb. 2024 - YT 1:06:07 - RFK, Jr.
Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy
Jr, Live from Tucson, AZ?

03 Feb. 2024 - YT 1:25:30 - Dave Smith
RFK Defends Position On Israel?

01 Feb. 2024 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
RFK Jr. on Middle East
and Reducing Spending

31 Jan. 2024 - YT 09:49 - Fox Business
RFK Jr.: We need to get spending under control

25 Jan. 2024 - 77 WABC - 07:54 - Audio
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the Middle East

29 Jan. 2024 - YT 20:23 - Christal XO
A conversation with Robert F. Kennedy Jr

27 Jan. 2024 - YT 2:43 - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
RFK Jr.: 100 Years Later, Corporate
Money Is Still Rigging Elections

25 Jan. 2024 - FN 3:58 - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
What RFK Jr. Learned from the NH Primaries

21 Jan. 2024 - YT 4:21 - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Why Trump Supporters Should Vote For RFK Jr.

21 Jan. 2024 - YT 1:15 - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
RFK Jr.: We Need Disclosure On UFOs

21 Jan. 2024 - FN - Bart Jordan
Mars Nuclear Message & Warning
for Earth (Xenon-129)

18 Jan. 2024 - YT 1:02:03 - RFK, Jr
Presidential Candidate Robert
F. Kennedy Jr, Live from Hawaii

16 Jan. 2024 - YT 04:19 - Dennis Prager
RFK Jr. On The Business Of Medical Propaganda

14 Jan. 2024 - YT 48:22 - Comic Pierre
Robert F Kennedy Jr reveals why he chose to run
for the Presidency of the US, might surprise you

14 Jan. 2024 - YT 16:38 - The Hill
Briahna Joy Gray: New HORRIFYING
Video Details Israeli GENOCIDE

14 Jan. 2024 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
Imperfect Peace 2024 – V-Safe – Shot Dead

11 Jan. 2024 - HW 2816 - Del Bigtree
Court Decision Forces CDC To Release

09 Nov. 2023 - We the Patriots USA
SHOT DEAD - The Movie

21 Dec. 2023 - YT 1:37:06 - Vejon Health
Geert's Concern about New Covid Variant

08 Jan. 2024 - YT 2:22 - RFK Jr.
How Banks Went Berserk Part I

04 Jan. 2024 - YT 17:18 - Kim Iversen
RFK Jr.'s Israel Defense: Genuine
Belief or Deep State Influence?

With Whitney Webb

30 Dec. 2023 - FN - David Rogers Webb
How the Banksters Plan to Steal
Everything From Everyone

29 Dec. 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Is Truth Even Enough?

25 Dec. 2023 - FN - SGT & Bart Sibrel
Advanced A.I. Says Moon Photos Were Faked!

29 Nov. 2023 - Greek Reporter - Maria Rybachuk
AI Analysis in Russia Says US
Moon Landing Images Are Fake

22 Dec. 2023 - YT 05:09 - RFK, Jr.
CNN Caught Misrepresenting RFK Jr.
With Edited Video

19 Dec. 2023 - YT 09:38 - The Hill
Pro-RFK JR SuperPac Co-Founder Says
Kennedy is what America needs in 2024

19 Dec. 2023 - YT 03:53 - RFK, Jr.
What’s On The Other Side Of Incarceration

19 Dec. 2023 - Substack - Dennis Kucinich
Can Israel Survive if There is No Ceasefire?

15 Dec. 2023 - YT 1:00:31 - Breaking Points
Free Speech, Epstein

14 Dec. 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Write to RFK, Jr. in Support
of the POTUS Campaign

17 Dec. 2023 - Global Research - Matthew Ehret-Kump
The ‘Greater Israel’ Scheme and Its Global Power
Play: A Delusional Recipe for Armageddon

03 Dec. 2023 - Flyby News
RFK Jr. Explains What The Covid
Response Was Really About

30 Nov. 2023 - CHD - Defender Staff
Exclusive Interview With RFK Jr.
on Why He Wrote ‘The Wuhan Cover-Up’

30 Nov. 2023 - Substack - RFK, Jr.
Biden’s Carbon Pipeline — A Boondoggle
for Big Oil Punishes Iowa Farmers

The High Wire with Del Bigtree
The High Wire
Medical Science Media

28 Nov. 2023 - FN - Vera Sharav
Update from Vera Sharav
Never Again Is Now Global

27 Nov. 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Polls Say RFK Jr. Could Win
The 2024 Presidential Election

27 Nov. 2023 - Videos - Team Kennedy
Polls Say RFK Jr. Could Win
The 2024 Presidential Election

01 Dec. 2023 - HighWire 10:07 - Jefferey Jaxen
They Were Wrong About It All

25 Nov. 2023 - Daily Sceptic - Guy Gin
Norwegian Researchers Find Masks
Linked With Covid Infections

22 Nov. 2023 - Global Research - Edward Curtin
President John F. Kennedy: His Life
and Public Assassination by the CIA

20 Nov. 2023 - Press - Kennedy24
RFK Jr. on the 60th Anniversary of JFK’s Death

20 Nov. 2023 - YT 1:07:07 - Infographics
Was President JFK Really Killed by the CIA

22 Nov. 2023 - Streaming - Press & Public
A Feature Documentary Series

Explores the extraordinary lives and calamitous deaths
of President John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, the Reverend
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy

Watch a Sneak Peak of this series HERE!

19 Nov. 2023 - FN - Dr. Mercola
Holistic Pediatrician on How to Safeguard
Your Kids’ Health and Future

17 Nov. 2023 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
Imperfect Peace, Independence, RFK Factor

09 Nov. 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
The Israeli Hold Over RFK Is Troubling

07 Nov. 2023 - Substack - Dennis Kucinich
The Nothingness of a War Consciousness

10 Nov. 2023 - YT 16:48 - Jimmy Dore
RFK Jr. Saber Rattles w/Russia,
China & Iran Over OIL!

08 Nov. 2023 - YT 24:43 - Kim Iversen
RFK Jr Explains His Two Trips On
Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express

02 Nov. 2023 - Substack - Dennis Kucinich
The Math of Murder
The subjugation and annihilation of innocent civilians,
bombed into the dust of "collateral damage," does not
support America, Israel or the West's claim for moral
high ground and a path to peace.

30 Oct. 2023 - GR - Michel Chossudovsky
“Wiping Gaza Off The Map”:
Big Money Agenda. Confiscating Palestine’s
Maritime Natural Gas Reserves

30 October, 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Agenda for Israel's Atrocities Explained

27 October, 2023 - The Dennis Kucinich Report
Thou Shalt NOT Kill.
Our survival depends upon surmounting such moments

21 October, 2023 - FN - Dr. Mercola
All Wars Are Bankers Wars

02 August, 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
RFK, Jr.’s Flaw Regarding Israel vs. Palestine

Updated - Flyby News Supports
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. For U.S. President in 2024

September, 2023 - CHD - Take Action!
Preserve National Sovereignty.
Choose Freedom.

Sign the Health Freedom Bill of Rights

17 August, 2024 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Flyby News 25th Anniversary Video

18 Sept. 2023 - Substack - Peter McCullough, MD
Trump, Megyn Kelly, Fauci, and Dr. McCullough
on the Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson

16 Sept. 2023 - Kennedy Beacon - Louis Conte
RFK, Jr.'s Campaign Marches Forward
as Questions Surround the Arrest of
Adrian Paul Aispuro
. Was He Acting Alone?

16 Sept. 2023 - YT 43:26 - Elex Michaelson
The Issues: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

16 September, 2023 - FN - Dr. Mercola
Global Takeover Advances to Final Stages

08 Sept. 2023 - HighWire 16:39 - Brian Hooker, PhD
New Book Tackles Vax vs Unvax

07 Aug. 2023 - CHD - Brian Hooker, PhD
‘Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak’
Why RFK Jr. and I Wrote This Book

08 Sept. 2023 - HighWire 16:59 - Jefferey Jaxen
New Study Suggests COVID Shot
Altering Kids' Immune Systems

01 Sept. 2023 - HighWire - Meryl Nass, MD
Bio Warfare Expert Exposes W.H.O.
Pandemic Treaty Threat

02 Sept. 2023 - WP - Flyby News
Spike Protein Detox Protocol – Dr. McCullough

29 Aug. 2023 - CHD - Brian Hooker, Ph.D.
Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak

27 Aug. 2023 - Daily Mail - Emily Joshu
Mask study published by NIH suggests
N95 Covid masks may expose wearers
to dangerous level of toxic compounds
linked to seizures and cancer

24 Aug. 2023 - HW 7:39 - Del Bigtree
Will You comply with Pandemic 2.0? As mainstream media
pumps out another campaign of fear over new COVID variants,
Social Media has made it very clear ‘we the people’ will not
comply with unscientific lockdowns, mandates, or masks again.


25 Aug. 2023 - HW 30:251 - Alvin Moss, MD
How Unethical Were The Lockdowns?

20 August, 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
False media coverage with negative consequences

19 August, 2023 - Quora - Jonathan Mark
Have you ever experienced or witnessed false
media coverage that had negative consequences?

17 August, 2023 - HighWire 49:46 - Del Bigtree
Peter McCullough & Vanden Bossche:
Titans of the Covid Conversation

Two of the most prolific doctors speaking out against the
dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines, Dr. Peter McCullough
and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, join Del in studio to discuss
how the mass vaccination program created a global petri dish,
the dangers new variants pose on the vaccinated as well as
the unvaccinated, as well as how to protect yourself for future
COVID outbreaks. Dr. McCullough also discusses the increasing
concern over COVID-19 Vaccine related myocarditis, and why
we are seeing so many young, healthy people suffering with
heart or blood clotting issues.

17 August, 2023 - Brownstone Inst. - Meryl Nass
The WHO’s Proposed Amendments Will
Increase Man-Made Pandemics

14 August, 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
RFK, Jr. Iowa & Critical Awareness Lunacy?

June 30, 2023 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
Aaron Siri Testimony to Arizona Senate +

June 29, 2023 - HighWire 1:55:00 - Aaron Siri
Testimony to the Arizona State Senate
ICAN Lead Attorney, Aaron Siri, Esq.,
presents the damning facts of America’s
systematic failure to uphold its federally
mandated duty to assure vaccine safety,
in a presentation you’ll never forget.

04 June, 2023 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
Plandemic 3 and the Great Reset

26 April, 2023 - FN - Dr. Mercola
The Harms from Wearing Masks are Real

16 February, 2023 - FN - Bart Jordan
Proof of Intelligent Design
Denali & Pi

09 February, 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Bart Jordan – BLM FBI
Peltier – Never Again?

01 February, 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Cognitive Thinking and Being Aware

27 January, 2023 - HW - Vera Sharav, Del Bigtree
Lessons From A Holocaust Survivor

27 January, 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Vera Sharav
“Never Again is Now Global”

30 January, 2023 - Children's Health Defense
Five-Part Series by Vera Sharav

26 January, 2023 - Video 9:59 - Robert W Malone
Project Veritas has broken Pfizer's Gain-
of-Function Research Program Wide Open.

05 October, 2021 - Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
Covid-19 Giants Unite – FN suspended from Facebook

01 February, 2021 – TheSilverEdge - Steve Barwick
Fight Peak Flu Season With Colloidal Silver!

March, 2019 - World Affairs - Chris Kanthan
How Rockefeller Founded Modern
Medicine And Killed Natural Cures

Flyby News Health and Spiritual Blog
The Devolution of Pandemics

"There are only two mistakes

one can make along the road to truth:

Not going all the way, and not starting."

– The Buddha

17 October, 2023 - FN - Team Kennedy
RFK, Jr’s Environmental Platform for Unity

07 June, 2023 – YT 59:52 - Dane Wigington
US Presidential Candidate RFK, Jr.
Is Climate Engineering Real?

31 August, 2023 – Democracy Now! - Peter Kalmus
Scientist Peter Kalmus: The Hurricanes,
Floods & Fires of 2023 Are Just the
Beginning of Climate Emergency

07 July, 2023 - Reuters - Jake Spring
World breaks hottest-day record
for third time this week,
U.S. agency says

08 February, 2023 - Substack - Seymour Hersh
How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

24 February, 2023 - HW - Jefferey Jaxen
Did America Blow Up the
Nord Stream Pipeline?

07 February, 2023 – CHD - W. Aaron Vandiver
Would a ‘Climate Emergency’ Open the Same Door to
Authoritarian Governance as the ‘COVID Emergency?’

28 September, 2022 – Democracy Now! - Peter Kalmus
Asteroid Diversion? Earth Is Still “Careening
Headlong into Climate Catastrophe,” Says NASA Scientist

06 September, 2022 – ABC - Julia Jacobo
Antarctica's melting 'Doomsday glacier'
could raise sea levels by 10 feet,
scientists say

May, 2013 – Energy Education
Consensus about global warming
15 May, 2013 – IOP Publishing - Environmental Research
Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic
global warming in the scientific literature

02 February, 2022 – PBS 53:28 - NOVA
Arctic Sinkholes

26 November, 2021 – CounterPunch - Eve Ottenberg
Big Oil’s Big Lie About Who Caused Climate Collapse

Scientific evidence for warming of
the climate system is unequivocal.

- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

09 November, 2021 – Democracy Now! - War & Peace
War Helps Fuel the Climate Crisis as U.S. Military
Carbon Emissions Exceed 140+ Nations

02 August, 2021 – DownToEarth - Susan Chacko
Climate Emergency: Tipping points are already here.
Limited time to shift priorities to alleviate climate crisis

30 June, 2021 – Eudaimonia - Umair Haque
This Isn’t a Heatwave — It’s a Dying Planet
Our Civilisation is Boiling Alive in the Fumes of its Own Waste

15 March, 2021 – Science Alert - Clare Watson
The Amazon May Now Actually Be Making
Climate Change Worse, Scientists Warn

26 February, 2021 – CHD - Stacy Malkan
Bill Gates' New Book:
Wrong on Climate, Wrong on Farming

2020 – NASA resource links
Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate Is Warming

09 October, 2020 – CommonDreams - Jessica Corbett
'This Is Truly Terrifying': Scientists Studying
Underwater Permafrost Thaw Find Area of the
Arctic Ocean 'Boiling With Methane Bubbles'

09 July, 2020 – CommonDreams - Jessica Corbett
Humanity on Track to Soon Hit 1.5ºC
Paris Accord Limit as Atmospheric CO2
Nears Level Not Seen in 15 Million Years

14 March, 2019 – GlobalResearch - Michael Snyder
Planetary Collapse Threatens Our Survival:
New Study Says that More than 1,200 Species
“Will Almost Certainly Face Extinction”

Flyby News Resource:
Energy Pollution's Impact On Our Environment

“There are two ways to live:
you can live as if nothing is a miracle;
you can live as if everything is a miracle.”

– Albert Einstein

23 August, 2023 - DN - Amy Goodman
“It’s Always About Oil”: CIA & MI6
Staged Coup in Iran 70 Years Ago,
Destroying Democracy in Iran

Guests: Taghi Amirani and Ervand Abrahamian

18 May, 2023 - DN - John Kiriakou
From Waterboarding to Rape,
Abu Zubaydah Depicts Torture

at Black Sites & Gitmo in Graphic Sketches

15 February, 2022 - Democracy Now - War & Peace
"Adding Insult to Injury": Afghan Activist & 9/11
Mother Condemn Biden’s Seizure of Afghan Funds

01 February, 2022 - Richard Gage Unleashed - Scott Bennett
What can a U.S. Army Psychological Operations
Officer Teach Us About the 9/11 PsyOp?

23 December, 2021 - Quora - Jonathan Mark
Did you first believe the official 9/11 story,
and do you still?

18 August, 2021 - YouTube 28:00 - Flyby News
September 11 & Covid 2021 - Update

18 August, 2021 - Gfld Recorder - Jonathan Mark
A day with repercussions lasting way beyond 20 years

12 September, 2020 - AE911Truth - Dylan Avery
SEVEN: A Film on Building 7
Narrated by Ed Asner

Firefighters for 9-11 Truth
Calling OUT Bravo-7

19 September, 2017 - YouTube - 1:26:00 - Flyby News
September 11 - New Pearl Harbor
film summary and discussion

26 August, 2013 - Flyby News - Wordpress
Bob Bowman Tribute Connection

Perspective -- Resources -- Archives
New 9/11 Investigation vs New World Order

“The worst of all deceptions is self-deception.”

– Plato

11 January, 2024 - Democracy Now!
“Nowhere Is Safe in Gaza”:
South Africa Lays Out Genocide Case
vs. Israel at World Court in The Hague

06 September, 2023 - DN - Phil Miller
“Alarming”: Biden to Supply Depleted Uranium
Shells to Ukraine Despite Contamination Risks

13 July, 2023 - Democracy Now - Siddharth Kara
“Cobalt Red”: Smartphones & Electric Cars Rely
on Toxic Mineral Mined in Congo by Children

04 July, 2023 - Angel Studios - Tony Robbins podcast
Sound of Freedom

24 March, 2023 - Democracy Now - James Bamford
The Candidate and the Spy: James Bamford
on Israel’s Secret Collusion with Trump
to Win 2016 Race

22 February, 2023 - Quora - Jonathan Mark
What really happened at the JFK assassination?

08 February, 2023 - Substack - Seymour Hersh
How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

15 February, 2023 - DemocracyNow - War and Peace
Reporter Seymour Hersh on “How America Took Out
the Nord Stream Pipeline”: Exclusive TV Interview

07 February, 2023 - DemocracyNow - Trevor Aaronson
COINTELPRO 2.0: How the FBI Infiltrated BLM
Protests After Police Murder of George Floyd

January 6, 2021 – Select Committee - U.S. Congress
To Investigate the January 6th
Attack on the U.S. Capitol

16 January, 2021 – Washington Post - Video (14:28)
A video timeline from inside the
Capitol siege - 41 minutes of fear

20 April, 2022 - HuffPost - Jennifer Bendery
The FBI Says It Still Opposes
Leonard Peltier's Freedom.
Its Argument Is Full Of Holes.

30 January, 2022 - Letter-Action - Michael Moore
Bury My Heart with Leonard Peltier

31 January, 2022 - DemocracyNow - Kevin Sharp
Leonard Peltier Has COVID; His Lawyer
— an Ex-Federal Judge —
Calls for Native Leader to Be Freed

26 January, 2022 - DemocracyNow? - Jonathan Katz
Gangsters of Capitalism”: Parallels between
Jan. 6 and 1934 Anti-FDR Coup Plot

16 December, 2022 - YT 7:28 - Tucker Carlson
CIA's Role in the JFK Assassination

24 November, 2021 - YouTube 28:36 - RT
Oliver Stone 'Covert Govt' Behind JFK's Assassination
and Biden's Continuation of the Coverup

31 July, 2021 - Paris Match - Olivier O'Mahony
Oliver Stone: "It was the CIA that shot Kennedy"
Published 02 August, 2021 by Kennedys&King with translation via Bill Simpich.

22 November, 2020 – Global Research - Edward Curtin
Unspeakable Memories: The Day John Kennedy Died

17 September, 2018 – CMC - YouTube - 0:55:52
The Italian undercover CIA-Mossad
station and the assassination of JFK

June, 2018 – Skyhorse Publishing - Major Ganis
The Skorzeny Papers
Evidence for the Plot to Kill JFK

The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA,
and the Rise of America's Secret Government

By David Talbot

11 April, 2021 – Space 4 Peace - Bruce Gagnon
Book review: The real story about fascist America

Flyby News Updated Resource
Martin Luther King, Jr. & Masters of War

04 May, 2021 - YouTube (55:18) - Netflix - Will Smith
Amend: The Fight for America

21 February, 2020 - YouTube 24:45 - Artikel 7
Mind Control | Operation PaperClip

Chris Hedges talks with Stephen Kinzer

26 February, 2021 – Democracy Now! - Reggie Wood
The Assassination of Malcolm X: Ex-Undercover
Officer Admits Role in FBI & Police Conspiracy

15 January, 2021 – Global Research - Dr. Gary G. Kohls
Martin Luther King's Warning of America's Spiritual Death

11 April, 2015 – National Vanguard - Rosemary W. Pennington
The Most Incredible Story Never Told:
LBJ’s Order to Destroy the USS Liberty

28 September, 2021 - DemocracyNow - Amy Goodman
The Plot to Kill Julian Assange: Report Reveals
CIA’s Plan to Kidnap, Assassinate WikiLeaks Founder

27 September, 2021 - DemocracyNow - War and Peace
Meet Mansoor Adayfi: I Was Kidnapped as a Teen,
Sold to the CIA & Jailed at Guantánamo for 14 Years

01 August, 2019 – Global Research - Federico Pieraccini
Trump’s “Space Force”: Weaponizing Space Is
the “New” Bad Idea Coming from Washington

21 July, 2019 – Ray McGovern
Ray in freewheeling discussion

30 October, 2018 – Flyby News - Jonathan Mark

Updated – Flyby News - Jonathan Mark
Resources for Reclaiming a Lost USA Republic

"Today, every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate
the day when this planet may no longer be habitable.
Every man, woman, and child lives under a nuclear
sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of
threads, capable of being cut at any moment
by accident or miscalculation or madness."

President John F. Kennedy
February, 2011 - YouTube - Flyby News
Excerpt from speeches to UN and Media

19 September, 2018 – UFOTV YouTube - 1:33:57
UFOs and Nukes
Official Press Conference Washington, DC

September, 2023 - YT 8:14 - NASA's Unexplained Files
Mars Curiosity Discovers Traces Of
A Possible Nuclear War On Mars

13 May, 2023 - YT 18:51 - Cortex Zero
Martian Nuclear Catastrophe

08 December, 2000 - UPI - Flyby News
1964 U.S. atomic bomb blast in the Van Allen belts

01 July, 2010 - NPR - Robert Krulwich
Scary Light Show: Exploding H-Bombs In Space

10 September, 2018 – YouTube 0:10:00 - Kabloooee Theater
The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

01 August, 2018 – Science - Beryl Lieff Benderly
Rosalind Franklin and the damage of gender harassment

18 December, 2014 – YouTube 7:38 - Dr. Semir Osmanagić
Mystery of the Bosnian Pyramids - Trailer

28 February, 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Flyby News Perspective on Bart Jordan

16 February, 2023 - FN - Bart Jordan
Proof of Intelligent Design
Denali & Pi

09 August, 2022 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Nagasaki Remembrance and Bart Jordan

22 February, 2019 – Universe Inside - YouTube - 19:58
Mars was Inhabited
Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt

16 January, 2018 – Flyby News – YouTube 1:52:25
Bart Jordan and Mars Viking 1

17 August, 2018 – FN YouTube - 58:00 – Bart Jordan
Manhattan Project NASA Whistleblower
09 August 2018 Presentation

31 August, 2017 – Flyby News – YouTube (28:00)
Bart Jordan Speaks ~ Ancient Measure
Pi ~ Denali ~ Abuse of light

14 March, 2019 - Wordpress – Flyby News
Bart Jordan & Flyby News Update

Updated - Flyby News - Bart Jordan
Evidence of Advanced Ancient Civilizations

The bitterest truth,
is better than the sweetest lie.

- Men in Black 3

14 December, 2023 - YT 1:22 - Bart Sibrel
NASA Admits that Manned Travel
to the Moon Is Impossible

03 December, 2023 - YT 30:42 - Bart Sibrel
Advanced A.I. Says Moon Pictures Are Fake

09 December, 2022 - TNT Radio 56:47 - Adam Clark
Bart Sibrel on Moon Landing Fraud

02 October, 2022 - YT 1:10:25 - Jacqui Deevoy
Bart Sibrel's CIA Encounters

21 August, 2022 - SGT Report - TruthTV - 55:33
Bart Sibrel ~ New Revelations

09 September, 2022 - Quora - Jonathan Mark
Will there ever be a point in time when definitive
proof that man has/hasn’t been to the moon will arise?

15 March, 2022 - Flyby News - WordPress
Moon Man Review by Jonathan Mark

04 February, 2022 - SGT Report (53:42) - Bart Sibrel
Eyewitness to Moon Landing Fraud

Massimo Mazzucco Films
American Moon
3.5 hour documentary is available on YouTube!

October, 2018 – YouTube- 30:00 – Jonathan Mark Interviews
Massimo Mazzucco on American Moon

Aulis Film and TV Productions
What Really Happened on the Moon?

2001 Film by Bart Sibrel
A Funny Thing Happened
On The Way To The Moon

20 July, 2019 – YouTube - Bart Sibrel
Moon Landing Hoax in 3 Minutes

01 November, 2019 – Conspiracy Corner - 9:46 - Bart Sibrel
NASA Never Meets Moon Schedule

13 May, 2023 – YT - 6:32 - Bart Sibrel
HBO Moon Landing Special

Bart Sibrel's Book
MOON MAN - Filmmaker on the CIA Hit List

31 October, 2021 - YouTube (35:50) - Valuetainment
Moon Man Connecting the Psy-Op Dots

13 October, 2021 – YouTube 1:15:25 - Quite Franklin
Rich Franklin Interviews Bart Sibrel, Moon Man!

02 July, 2008 – YouTube (04:14) - frankmat
Thomas Baron and astronauts killed to keep Apollo program
Thomas Baron (with wife and children), Gus Grissom,
Ed White, Roger Chaffey, were allegedly murdered.

26 January, 2017 – The Talon - Grace Beischel
We’ve Been Played: The Moon Landing was Faked

Dave McGowan
Wagging the Moondoggie
A fan-made audio version:
Wagging the Moondoggie

Updated - Flyby News Resource
Evidence of Fraud - 1969-1972 Lunar Missions

President George Washington's Farewell Address
(19th September, 1796 - United States)

01 Marc, 2024 - FN - Dr. Mercola
Mercola – Basic Tips for Optimal Health

02 February, 2024 – FN - Dr. Mercola
The Good News and Bad if You
Suffer From Back Pain

01 March, 2016 – YouTube 3:15 - TJOP
Jim Carrey - Secrets of Life

06 April, 2020 – YouTube 1:31:56 - Guido Coriandro
Joni Mitchell: Woman of Heart and Mind

16 August, 2021 - Pressenza - Redazione Italia
Hopi Indian Chief White Eagle:
"This moment humanity is experiencing
can be seen as a door or a hole"

07 December, 2021 – YouTube 9:17 - Charles Eisenstein
A Gathering of the Tribe | You Are Not Alone

08 March, 2019 – WantToKnow - Fred Burks
Chemtrails, Geoengineering

14 August, 2019 – CounterPunch - Karl Grossman
Lyme Disease and Biowarfare

05 May, 2019 – FlybyNews - Jonathan Mark
Lyme Disease solutions that work for me

22 December, 2021 – Flyby News – Dr. Mercola
World Council for Health reveals spike protein detox

Updated 2021 – Kathy Dopp - Blog
COVID-19 Preventions and Treatments

21 February, 2023 - Substack - Peter McCullough, MD
Dissolution of Spike Protein by Nattokinase

Natto - NYrture Food - Ann Yonetani
Fresh Ancient Japanese soulfood
Modern day superfood

04 May, 2022 - YT (13:50) - Eric Berg
The #1 BEST Nutrient for
Autoimmune Conditions

04 August, 2022 – FN - Dr. Joseph Mercola
Broccoli Compound May Solve
Antibiotic Resistance Problem

21 January, 2022 – MedCram (1:56:09) - Roger Seheult, MD
Sunlight: Optimize Health and Immunity
(Light Therapy and Melatonin)

28 March, 2022 - Flyby News - Dr. Mercola
The Crucial Role of NAD+ in Optimal Health

23 April, 2021 – YouTube - 4:52 - Med Today
Glutathione foods : Increase Your Glutathione
Levels Naturally [The Principal Antioxidant]

13 February, 2015 – YouTube - 46:24 - Dr. Russell Jaffe
Glutathione, Methylation & Nutrition

21 November, 2018 – YouTube - 0:22:23 - Garth Davis, MD
VEGAN DIET: Dispelling The Biggest Myths

03 May, 2022 – YouTube - 0:57:22 - Zach Bush, MD
This Is What Everyone Gets Wrong About Protein!

13 May, 2021 – YT - 0:22:48 - MedCram
Sialic Acids May Contribute to Inflammation & Disease

October, 2022 – Jesse Chappus - 0:03:31 - Dr. Seheult
How SIALIC ACIDS in Meat & Dairy Products
Contribute to Inflammation & DISEASE

27 April, 2023 – YouTube - 0:28:54 - MedCram
Low Carb Diets: Mortality and Diabetes Long Term Data

03 October, 2022 – Vimeo - 1:07:12 - Dr. Christiane Northrup
Mind Your Health & Cardio Miracle
On Nitric Oxide Interview with John Hewlett

May, 2022 - YouTube - 11:22 - Ryan Taylor
The TOP 8 Vitamins For Liver Repair
(Fatty Liver)

October, 2022 - YouTube - 20:01 - Dr. Eric Berg DC
The BEST 7 Foods to Clean Out Your Liver

October, 2022 - YouTube - 16:55 - JeffMara Kitchen
How To Grow Broccoli Sprouts At Home

12 October, 2021 - YouTube - 2:45 - Dr. Eric Berg DC
Silymarin in Milk Thistle is a Powerhouse for the Liver

23 September, 2019 - YouTube - 12:29 - Eric Berg
Gall Bladder and Bile Salts to End Bloating

10 June, 2021 - YouTube - 6:25 - Eric Berg
The Benefits of TUDCA

23 September, 2019 - YouTube - 6:17 - Eric Berg
5 Reasons Why You May Need More Salt in Diet

23 December, 2020 - YouTube - 4:31 - Eric Berg
Himalayan Salt vs. Sea Salt

26 January, 2022 - YT - 28:01 - Eric Berg
Top 13 Causes of Inflammation:
And How to Treat it Naturally

11 November, 2018 - YouTube - 7:54 - Eric Berg
Healthy Ketogenic Diet Basics:
Intermittent Fasting & Fat Burning

10 April, 2022 - MedCram (YT) - 1:21:28 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick
Sauna Benefits Deep Dive and Optimal Use

05 April, 2023 - FN - Jonathan Mark
Flyby News Health Blog Update – NATTO

Updated Resource
Flyby News Health and Spiritual Blog

For interviews, documentaries+
FN's Youtube Channel

Also you can follow us
@Flyby_News on Twitter

FN had been suspended from Facebook

Fair Use Notice

Flyby News film-TV-video productions and website contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Flyby Background

Karl Grossman gave a slide presentation at UMASS in Amherst, MA, about a month before the launching of NASA's Cassini in 1997. This presentation and the educational tools provided by the author of the WRONG STUFF: The Space Program's Nuclear Threat to our Planet, and the writer and narrator of the video documentary, "Nukes In Space," inspired the launching of the Action Site to Stop Cassini Earth Flyby. After Cassini dangerously whizzed past Earth in August 1999, Jonathan Mark continued reporting news fit to transmit in the post Cassini flyby era.

Flyby Support

Any financial support to Flyby News will help cover expenses. FN is not for profit, and not a tax deductible organization. Special thanks to Mik Muller helping Flyby News get started on the web, and thanks too for the artistic support of Liz Nicholas and Lahri Bond for logo designs and more. Also much appreciation for the staff and the facilities at Greenfield Community Television. And thanks for all those contributors, readers and those sharing FN information. Our efforts together empower us to help preserve what is real in life, integrity, and freedom from fear that connects us with love to all our relations - Mitakuye Oyasin.

Donate To Flyby News!

Flyby News is not for profit and uses donations
to cover expenses. Small donations are appreciated.
Send an email to noflyby@yahoo.com if interested.

For large donations, FN recommends donating to
non-profit 501c3 tax exempt organizations like
ICAN and Children's Health Defense.

The views expressed herein are writers’ own and not necessarily of Flyby News.
Feedback for story suggestions and networking Flyby News is appreciated.
To subscribe or to comment, you can write to: FlybyNews.com@gmail.com

Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus,
and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy
environment, human rights, justice, and nonviolence,
since the launch of NASA’s Cassini space probe in 1997.

News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era