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"News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era"

Coalition * Downing Liars * Election Assessment

23 June 2005

"BushCo survived the illegal sanctioning of inhumane torture. They survived a

gay male prostitute acting as a journalist. They survived Enron and Diebold

and the rigging of the first election and they will survive Downing Street

simply because all the people who should be on the attack about

these atrocities all work for the guys who committed them."

-- Mark Morford

1) PDA and Congressional Caucus Build Coalition Alternative to Bush
- - Conyers At the Gate
- - U.S. Moral Authority in 'Free Fall', Senators Warn
- - They Died So Republicans Could Take the Senate
- - Downing Street Is for Liars
- - The US war with Iran has already begun
- - Scott Ritter - "Iran: Where do we go from here?"
2) FBI & 9/11 by Sibel Edmonds
3) US Election Assessment Texas Forum

- - Election Fraud and Irregularity ~ 2000 US Coup D'etat

Editor's Notes:

These days the news is not that good, or can that even be considered "news?" The top Morford quote is direct and to the point, but that doesn't mean we're about to roll over and play dead. Winter solstice 2005 marks 7 years to the end of a major Mayan cycle on December 21, 2012. It will be at this time that Flyby News will assess the situation, and likely know if humankind can survive beyond this Century. These next seven years will make a difference, since we are at the edge of fascism or freedom, environmental disaster, or innovative attempts for balance and understanding, Now is the time to surpass the death threat of a fascist regime, wielding power with energy and weapon systems gone mad or in the rapture of twisted belief, deceit, and hypocrisy. For all the ugly truth that exists, hope remains. This issue gives both sides with a growing majority seeking to preserve a union in principle, compassion, and caring. Please note the Scott Ritter address today in Deerfield, MA, which will be broadcast over the Internet. Also, learn more from an article of FBI-9/11 whistle blower, Sibel Edmonds, and check out my paper on election assessment and on an upcoming forum in Texas on June 29.

1) PDA and Congressional Caucus Build Coalition Alternative to Bush

- - Conyers At the Gate
- - U.S. Moral Authority in 'Free Fall', Senators Warn
- - They Died So Republicans Could Take the Senate
- - Downing Street Is for Liars
- - The US war with Iran has already begun
- - Scott Ritter - "Iran: Where do we go from here?"

PDA and Congressional Caucus Build Coalition Alternative to Bush

PDA and The Congressional Progressive Caucus request the pleasure of your company as we launch the "Progressive Promise," an alternative to President Bush's "Ownership Society"

What: Reception to introduce Progressive Caucus Co-Chairwomen Lynn Woolsey and Barbara Lee, other Caucus Members, new Executive Director, and to present the core principles of the Caucus and their agenda to get America back on the right track. (Open to the media.)

Who: Democratic Leadership, Progressive Caucus Leaders, Members, and new Executive Director, and representatives of progressive organizations...PDA invited! Tim Carpenter, PDA Director, and Kevin Spidel, PDA National Political Director, will speak at the reception.

When: June 28, 2005 from 5-7:00 P.M.

Where: B-369 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC

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- - Conyers At the Gate
By William Rivers Pitt
Monday 20 June 2005


..With the suddenness of a windstorm at sea, this nation's capitol was swept up in a large, loud and defiant chorus of demands on Thursday, June 16th, that the Bush-maintained status quo of violence, disinformation and despair in Iraq must change, and must change now.

Several things happened at once. Rep. Maxine Waters formed an 'Out-of-Iraq' Caucus, made up of 50 House members, whose sole purpose was to push the Bush administration to plan and execute a withdrawal of American forces of Iraq. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, joined by Republican Rep. Walter Jones, offered legislation demanding a timetable for that withdrawal.

By far and away, however, the most important events took place in a small room in the Capitol Building, in a small park across the city, and before a long, black gate.

In that small room, Rep. John Conyers and a roomful of House allies listened to compelling, factual testimony from four individuals - Ambassador Joseph Wilson, retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern, constitutional attorney John Bonifaz, and a Gold Star Mother named Cindy Sheehan - who described in searing detail the import and consequences of the Downing Street Minutes.

As this hearing was concluding, a large gathering of protesters gathered in Lafayette Park across from the White House. There, the crowd was exhorted by Medea Benjamin, PDA Director Tim Carpenter, the mothers of fallen soldiers and many others to stay the course, to continue pounding on the Minutes, to continue to demand that the occupation of Iraq be brought to an immediate conclusion.

As the Lafayette rally grew in size and volume, a small group of people walked with deliberation towards the black White House gate. In their arms were stacks of paper - tens and tens and tens of thousands of signatures from ordinary Americans who want the bloodshed in Iraq to stop.

For the complete article, see:

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- - U.S. Moral Authority in 'Free Fall', Senators Warn
by William Fisher
Published on June 21, 2005 by the Inter Press Service


NEW YORK - As Amnesty International urged the George W. Bush administration to "close Guantánamo and disclose the situation in the USA's shadowy network of detention centers around the globe", a subsidiary of Halliburton, the oil services group once led by U.S. Vice Pres. Dick Cheney, won a 30-million-dollar contract to help build a new permanent prison for terror suspects at the U.S. Navy's controversial detention center in Cuba.

The Pentagon said that Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root would be building a two-story jail with air conditioning and exercise and medical facilities.

The plan is seen as a sign that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld plans to keep the jail in operation, despite a growing chorus of criticism and mixed signals from the White House.

Amnesty said the Bush administration "plans to memorialize in bricks and mortar its decision to operate outside of the law," according to Curt Goering, senior deputy executive director.

The group called for "an independent investigation into U.S. policies and practices on detention and interrogation, including torture and ill-treatment, (which) would reassure the world that the U.S. administration has nothing to hide."

For the complete article, see

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- - They Died So Republicans Could Take the Senate

Freedom wasn't the goal of George W. Bush or his neoconservative Republican colleagues. It was political power. And they were willing to lie us into a war to achieve it.
by Thom Hartmann


It was a war for political power. That had to be first. Everything else - oil, profits, ongoing PATRIOT Act powers, easy manipulation of the media - all could only come if political power was seized and held through at least two decisive election cycles. The Bush administration lied us into an invasion to get and keep political power.

..The real scandal of the Downing Street Memos, with the greatest potential to leave the Bush presidency in permanent disgrace, is their implication that lies may have been put forward to help Bush, Republicans, and Blair politically. If Bush lied to gain and keep political power, precedent suggests he and his collaborators in the administration may even be vulnerable to impeachment.

For the complete article, see:

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- - Downing Street Is for Liars
By Mark Morford
The San Francisco Chronicle
Wednesday 22 June 2005

Why isn't the media screaming about the latest proofs of Bush's war scams?

Don't you know?

BushCo survived the illegal sanctioning of inhumane torture. They survived a gay male prostitute acting as a journalist. They survived Enron and Diebold and the rigging of the first election and they will survive Downing Street simply because all the people who should be on the attack about these atrocities all work for the guys who committed them.

For the complete article, see:

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- - The US war with Iran has already begun
by Scott Ritter
Sunday 19 June 2005 12:06 PM GMT

Americans, along with the rest of the world, are starting to wake up to the uncomfortable fact that President George Bush not only lied to them about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (the ostensible excuse for the March 2003 invasion and occupation of that country by US forces), but also about the very process that led to war.

On 16 October 2002, President Bush told the American people that "I have not ordered the use of force. I hope that the use of force will not become necessary."

We know now that this statement was itself a lie, that the president, by late August 2002, had, in fact, signed off on the 'execute' orders authorising the US military to begin active military operations inside Iraq, and that these orders were being implemented as early as September 2002, when the US Air Force, assisted by the British Royal Air Force, began expanding its bombardment of targets inside and outside the so-called no-fly zone in Iraq.

These operations were designed to degrade Iraqi air defence and command and control capabilities. They also paved the way for the insertion of US Special Operations units, who were conducting strategic reconnaissance, and later direct action, operations against specific targets inside Iraq, prior to the 19 March 2003 commencement of hostilities.

President Bush had signed a covert finding in late spring 2002, which authorised the CIA and US Special Operations forces to dispatch clandestine units into Iraq for the purpose of removing Saddam Hussein from power.

The fact is that the Iraq war had begun by the beginning of summer 2002, if not earlier.

The violation of a sovereign nation's airspace is an act of war in and of itself. But the war with Iran has gone far beyond the intelligence gathering phase..

..President Bush has taken advantage of the sweeping powers granted to him in the aftermath of 11 September 2001, to wage a global war against terror and to initiate several covert offensive operations inside Iran.

The most visible of these is the CIA-backed actions recently undertaken by the Mujahadeen el-Khalq, or MEK, an Iranian opposition group, once run by Saddam Hussein's dreaded intelligence services, but now working exclusively for the CIA's Directorate of Operations.

It is bitter irony that the CIA is using a group still labeled as a terrorist organisation, a group trained in the art of explosive assassination by the same intelligence units of the former regime of Saddam Hussein, who are slaughtering American soldiers in Iraq today, to carry out remote bombings in Iran of the sort that the Bush administration condemns on a daily basis inside Iraq.

Perhaps the adage of "one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist" has finally been embraced by the White House, exposing as utter hypocrisy the entire underlying notions governing the ongoing global war on terror.

But the CIA-backed campaign of MEK terror bombings in Iran are not the only action ongoing against Iran.

To the north, in neighbouring Azerbaijan, the US military is preparing a base of operations for a massive military presence that will foretell a major land-based campaign designed to capture Tehran.

Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld's interest in Azerbaijan may have escaped the blinkered Western media, but Russia and the Caucasus nations understand only too well that the die has been cast regarding Azerbaijan's role in the upcoming war with Iran.

For the complete article, seet:

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- - Scott Ritter - "Iran: Where do we go from here?"

Former U.N. Weapons inspector in Iraq, Scott Ritter will give a public address on Thursday, June 23, in Deerfield, MA, at Woolman Hill's restored Quaker meeting house. Guests are invited to put heads together with other thoughtful neighbors at a public address at 7:30. Reservations are being accepted online for a dinner and reception at 5:30, at the Woolman Hill Conference Center. Charlie Jenks, Traprock's Advisory Board Chair, expects that more than 4,000 visitors daily will hear or read Ritter's comments on the prospects of launching or preventing war with Iran, at

2) FBI & 9/11 by Sibel Edmonds
Just a
Monday 20 June 2005


Over four years ago, more than four months prior to the September 11 terrorist attacks, in April 2001, a long-term FBI informant/asset who had been providing the bureau with information since 1990 provided two FBI agents and a translator with specific information regarding a terrorist attack being planned by Osama bin Laden. This asset/informant was previously a high-level intelligence officer in Iran in charge of intelligence from Afghanistan. Through his contacts in Afghanistan, he received information that:

1) Osama bin Laden was planning a major terrorist attack in the United States targeting 4-5 major cities,

2) the attack was going to involve airplanes,

3) some of the individuals in charge of carrying out this attack were already in place in the United States,

4) the attack was going to be carried out soon, in a few months.

..For almost four years since September 11, officials refused to admit to having specific information regarding the terrorists' plans to attack the United States. The Phoenix Memo, received months prior to the 9/11 attacks, specifically warned FBI HQ of pilot training and their possible link to terrorist activities against the United States. Four months prior to the terrorist attacks, the Iranian asset provided the FBI with specific information regarding the "use of airplanes," "major US cities as targets," and "Osama bin Laden issuing the order." Coleen Rowley likewise reported that specific information had been provided to FBI HQ. All this information went to the same place: FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC, and the FBI Washington Field Office, in Washington, DC..

Today, after nearly four years since 9/11, the American people still do not know that thousands of lives can be jeopardized under the unspoken policy of "protecting certain foreign business relations." The victims' family members still do not realize that information and answers they have sought relentlessly for almost four years has been blocked due to the unspoken decisions made and disguised under "safeguarding certain diplomatic relations."

Where is the so-called Congressional oversight? Why has the 9/11 Commission intentionally omitted this information, although they've had it all along? Where is accountability?

For the complete article, see:

3) US Election Assessment Texas Forum

- - Election Fraud and Irregularity ~ 2000 US Coup D'etat

Election Assessment Hearing this June 29th in Houston, Texas.

Some of those presenting research, analyses and evidence under topics, include:

Issues Identified in Electoral Processes:

* Rev. Bill Moss, Plaintiff, Moss v. Bush
* Bob Fitrakis, Editor, Free Press
* Richard Hayes Phillips, Legal Statistician
* Richard Winger, Ballot Access Expert

Impact of Digital Voting Systems on Electoral Processes:

* Bev Harris, Black Box Voting
* Stanley Klein, Reliability and Security Consultant
* Ted Selker, Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project

Causes for Electoral Process Issues and Recommended Solutions:

* David Cobb, Green Party Presidential Candidate
* Linda Curtis, Independent Texans
* Heleni Thayre, Citizens for Voting Integrity
* Sharona Merel, National Ballot Integrity Project
* David Wager, Verifiable Votes Coalition of Houston

For complete list of presenters and details of forum, see:

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- - Election Fraud and Irregularity ~ 2000 US Coup D'etat
Election Assessment by Jonathan Mark of Flyby News
The following was submitted on June 22, 2005

"The right of voting for representatives is the primary right
by which all other rights are protected.
To take away this right is to reduce a man to slavery..."

—Thomas Paine

Election Assessment Hearing
Thursday. June 29th, 2005 at the Garden Center at Hermann Park
1500 Hermann Drive, Houston, Texas 77004

Election Fraud and Irregularity ~ 2000 US Coup D'etat

Flyby News first published and linked to resources on election irregularity and questions of fraud during the 2000 US Presidential Election. This was when democracy was put on hold. Supreme Court judges ruled and not the people. George W. Bush was appointed President of the US.

Flyby News first surfaced following the successful campaign to expose the ultra-high-risk-flyby of NASA's Cassini space probe, which was carrying 72.3 pounds of highly radioactive plutonium on board. On August 17/18, 1999 Cassini was sling-shot toward Earth at record speeds from two Venus-flybys. The space craft was traveling around 10 miles per second, which was too fast for any containment of radioactive plutonium in the event of an inadvertent reentry into Earth's atmosphere. Why would anyone risk radioactively polluting Earth to speed to Saturn on a civilian space mission?

Karl Grossman, author, investigative reporter, professor, filmmaker, inspired me to organize the Action Site to Stop Cassini Earth Flyby. Karl Grossman is president of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. The US Space Command posted their plans on the Internet. Clearly, the culprits behind Cassini was the military-industrial complex, initiating a plan to dominate Earth from the heavens.

It seemed that almost to throw America off balance, the government began emphasizing concern of major planet disruption by computer failure to occur after the stroke of midnight on January 1st 2000. How could they have gotten this so wrong? Then with chaos ensuing and conflicting media reports, the election in Florida was decided by Supreme Court Judges. This should have been a red flag, but then came September 11, 2001; a suspiciously unprotected USA had airplanes plunging into the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon. This caused people to respond in such confusion and fear that instead of wondering why the US was so unprotected, the war-cry president, George W. Bush, seemed like a hero. Yet instead of protecting America, he plunged the US into an unprovoked war, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people with no evidence of Iraq's participation in the attacks of 9/11/01. However, Iraq was of major strategic military importance with oil resources. Recently, Downing Street Memos showed a president that led Intelligence to fit a policy for occupying-controlling Iraq; (in the name of freedom?)

Anyone who questioned the President during this time of crisis was declared unpatriotic, and new laws suspended America's civil liberties. People could be jailed based under a suspicion, and torture tactics were used to create more problems than solutions. The world seemed to be going insane, and election theft could go barely noticed by the mainstream media and the US Senate, except for the lone Senator to contest Election 2004, Barbara Boxer.

How did this come about. Was it just a coincidence that George W. Bush came to office and excited Evangelical Christians to vote for him, while threatening nuclear pollution in the skies, the rise of global warming, and other conditions that made it seem that the end was near? Election 2004 proved once again that voting in the US is not simple, free, or fair. The presenters at the June 29th forum will show evidence of this beyond a doubt.

The most accurate resource during elections with faulty or no auditing procedures is that of exit polls. According to a report issued March 31, 2004 by US Count Votes, a group that claims it's made up of about two dozen statisticians, there's a one-in-959,000 chance that exit polls could have been so wrong in predicting the outcome of the 2004 presidential election. Such election problems existed in Germany in the 1930's. So, why hasn't the media properly reported that George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, had funds frozen for investing in NAZI Germany during World War II? Is the mainstream media under the control of the ruling elite? George W., his father, and Prescott Bush all belong to the controversial Skull and Bones club while at Yale. Now, before the trick-word "conspiracy" comes into play, I suggest reading Michael Hasty's article called "Paranoid Shift." In it he explains how people are programmed to ridicule anything sounding like "conspiracy" - even if it is true.

Religion and the Nuclear Age

Frank Dorrel's film compilation: "What I've Learned About US Foreign Policy: The War Against the Third World" illustrates a policy born in so-called "Intelligence." Signed into law in 1947, President Harry Truman gave power to the formation of a secret US government, when "national security" is concerned, no law, including the principles of the US Constitution, could stand in the way. This was the nuclear age and the potential of disastrous weapons of mass destruction. But what about corruption? Can't "national security" be interpreted anyway for any purpose, especially when there is no oversight of secret "intelligence?"

Michael Hasty's "Paranoid Shift" chronicles his awakening of conspiracy from the events of 9/11, for many it was JFK's assassination, or Iran-Contra, or Vietnam, or Iraq, or evidence of election fraud in 2000 and 2004. The signs of our loss of democracy are apparent, but many keep holding on, waiting for CNN to wake up. The film, (, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" shows how the media can be used to turn democracy upside down, to use the word like democracy, but having a very different meaning. However, the outcome in Venezuela, so far, is a representation of a government elected by its people. Isn't it ironic that the US is withholding a suspect to protect him from going to trial for a terrorist attack on a Cuban airplane in1976 that killed 73 people.

Counting votes properly in the US in 2006 and especially 2008 is crucial for reclaiming a lost democracy in this hemisphere. Keeping the process simple and fair, with a verified vote-receipt, could help the US return to its principles stated in the Constitution. Until then, our responsibility for controlling our government from acts of terror is out of control, while the media spins the truth, people must unite on what the truth is, and not what we are told.

"Our people are dying all over the world ... to bring democracy
to the far corners of the world. Let's fix it here."

Senator Barbara Boxer

Thank you for considering this election assessment forum -
which gives information for an appropriate future for US citizens and world.
A paper trail is key to counting votes, a free press, and international observers.

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate
the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger
than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism — ownership
of government by an individual, by a group or any controlling private power."

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

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=====News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era====>

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