NoFlyby Newsletter No. 21
Action Site to Stop Cassini Earth Flyby
P.O. Box 1999, Wendell Depot, MA 01380 USA
August 18, 1999
1) Flyby Flies By - Media Whitewashes the Risks
2) Thank You
1) Flyby Flies By
Good news: Cassini didn't crash into Earth's atmosphere and release 400,000 curies of radioactive Plutonium into the atmosphere.
Bad news: NASA and military space programs plan to continue
using Plutonium for power, and with the space programs' significant failure rate, catastrophic
results become inevitable.
NoFlyby Quote of the Day goes to Dr. John W. Gofman:
"I'm very much in favor of the space program, but I think the use of plutonium in space is a manifestation of organized insanity," said John Gofman, a physicist on the team that developed the atomic bomb for the United States during World War II. "All I can say is that I'll be praying for the success of the flyby."
This is from an article in FLORIDA TODAY Space Online
The reason John W. Gofman said this is explained in his letter of
Other online articles on Cassini include:
En Route to Saturn, Cassini Gets a Boost From Earth
Sydney Morning Herald
Nukes in space are a serious threat to us all
CNN Interactive
Yahoo full coverage - temporary posting
Now that the Cassini Flyby has come and gone, please
consider becoming part of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.
Their website is .
Their e-mail is
2) Thank You
As the approximately 4 billion dollar Cassini threat races off toward Saturn, NoFlyby will leave its
site posted to preserve a space for a saner approach to exploring life without risking the health on
Earth for hundreds of thousands of years.
NoFlyby was initially inspired by Professor Karl Grossman and his work with his book, "The Wrong Stuff: The Space Program's Nuclear Threat to our Planet" and his video with Steve Jambeck nd Joan Flynn, EnviroVideo's "Nukes in Space 2: Unacceptable Risks."
Others to thank are the NoFlyby board of advisors, listed at , who continue their work on this issue for science and responsible space exploration.
However, our main appreciation goes to everyone that will not give up on this issue and continue to work toward the banning of space-based weapons, which is the next step in the acceleration of the arms race.
Jonathan Mark
Joe McIntire